Sponsor A Child Today!

Our sponsorship program is gifting a child with the opportunity to attend school, receive medical assistance, and daily nutrition, while forming a connection with your family. 

Bondye beni timoun piti li (God Bless His little children)

These children have been accepted into our Preschool program. Please consider the gift of sponsorship, and help LCM achieve a long term goal of seeing 100% of our students sponsored.



Saben Thomas




Dimisson Machael Tibidon




Lewiss Jean-Erinus




Adassa Ancisha Stessie Toussaint



Scott- Shaina Edmond




Marthe Therline John Alexis




Kervens Jean




Adonaica Christina Adonis




Gaelle Exantus




Anna Trace Saint-Cyr




Chloe Ancica Philistine




Henzo Noah Dieujuste


Have questions?

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding child sponsorship, donations, or general operations.

Why Sponsor?

For $40 a month, you provide a child with a Christ- centered education and loving care. Your $40 a month is paying school tuition and provides necessary booksuniforms, a daily hot meal, and school supplies. Part of your sponsorship dollars are applied to our feeding program to be certain that over 500 children (including the non-sponsored children) receive a meal each day. At the end of the year, the balance is directly applied to purchasing materials for school improvements including: classroom benches, blackboards, administrative needs, etc.

How To Sponsor?

Simply click on the profile of the child you're interested in sponsoring. You'll then be able to choose from 3 payment options. You can set up automatic payment (a credit card of your choice will be charged monthly), an annual payment, or semi-annual payment. Please call or e-mail us if you prefer to establish another method of payment, and of course we still accept checks!

The mission sends photos, letters, artwork and information about your child each year. A semi-annual newsletter will keep you in touch with the events, accomplishments, and mission needs. As a gentle reminder, payment invoices are also mailed quarterly.

Life Connection Mission has helped hundreds of children throughout the years find a sponsor. Our staff and volunteers tend to each child’s needs providing school supplies, uniforms, clothes, shoes, food, medical treatment, and of course toys!

Sponsor a Child

For as little as $40

  • 0%
    of children are sponsored!

The Gift of Sponsorship

To all of our sponsors, thank you, for gifts, rice, beans, beds, and basic supplies for our children. We cannot thank you enough for bringing the smiles to the children’s faces and allowing us to be the great messengers of love and hope.

On any given weekend, many children line up at the mission’s house gate in hopes that their name is on the lists of children to receive rice or a care package. When their names are called, their faces light up! It certainly reminds volunteers how very blessed we are, and how grateful we are to all of our sponsors.

A bag of rice feeds a family of five for almost one month and costs $40. Consider sending clothes, toys (balls, jump ropes, Barbie Dolls, action figures, Match-Box Cars, coloring books, etc.), hygiene products, vitamins, school supplies, or shoes. The children enjoy seeing pictures of their sponsor family and receiving letters or artwork from their friends. Please send $3 per lb to help with the shipping of a care package to Haiti. This should be sent to the same address but NOT in the package. We do NOT open packages. Please send a check around the same time as your package and on the memo line note “Shipping.”

Be sure to label the package clearly with your sponsor child’s name and sponsor number. If you plan to send a Christmas gift or Birthday gift, plan accordingly! It typically takes about 2 months for gifts to arrive into your sponsor child’s hands. Although a lengthy amount of time, it is well worth the wait when we know our boxes are certain to arrive.

A young girl holding a teddy bear.

Packages should be sent to:
Life Connection Mission
23 Grey Pebble Court
Germantown, Maryland 20874

“Whoever accepts a child like this in my name accepts me.”

Mark 9:37